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I'm not sure about......

Q.    I have both physical photographs and some that are digital.  Can I still give them to you in

              their current format and get a photo book made?

A.     Yes!  We can digitize and edit any physical photographs so they look great in your book.

Q.    How much time do I need to spend getting organized before meeting with you to design

               my photo book or calendar?

A.    It's good to have an idea of what the subject of your project will be and locate the photos

                that you want to use but that's really all you need to get started!  We want you to love

                anything we design for you so we'll spend 1-2 hours at the beginning of the project to

               discuss what you're looking for in terms of favorite pictures to include, style of the book,

               and page design.  After the first set of pages are done we'll e-mail a proof for you to review

               and make sure we're on the right track.  We also e-mail a final proof for review and any last minute

               changes before we send it to the printer.  

Q.   I have a thumb drive full of pictures that aren't organized.  Can you help me put them in


A.   Absolutely!  I will meet with you and review what you have and we can decide on the best

              way to organize your photos and which service best fits your needs. 

Q.   I don't live close by so how can I get my pictures to you?

A.   If they're in a digital format, you can upload them to my Sync site and I can get them from

              there.  If they're physical photos (or a lot of digital ones that you don't want to upload) then

              we can arrange for them to be mailed to me or I can pick them up if you're in the nearby



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